
Powder Skiing & Freeskiing - News, Tips, Tricks, Videos and more

Schlagwort: bad gastein

Snow report Bad Gastein – November 2019

29th November 2019: Start of the season and we checked the slopes in Sportgastein, Bad Gastein / Ski amade‘.

In Skigastein at 2.600m we had -4 ° C and 2cm fresh snow on the piste. The slopes S1, S2 and S3 are excellent for this season and the Goldbergbahn sections 1 and 2 are also open. Skiing off piste is not recommended, because there is still not enough snow!

More information about Gastein, see https://www.gastein.org

See current video:

To be a Ski Bum in Austria – see new Video!

An insider Video to life on the slopes and après-ski in beautiful Bad Gastein – also you see the new grey mountain Lodge.

A Ski Bum?

a skiier, usually male, in his late 30’s or older, who generally spends the entirety of his life at ski resorts. the rest of his life is spent sharpening skis or purchasing skis on eBay. alternatively, he coaches a high school ski team.

Are you one of those? Than you have to watch this Video and you know more to be a Ski Bum in Bad Gastein:

Join the Community on Google+ / Ski Bums Austria, click here!

Freeride Skitest der Modelle 2015 / 2016 von Fischer Sports mit Tipps und Video

Die Fa. FISCHER SPORTS hat einen Freeride Skitest der neuen Modelle für 2015 / 2016, exklusiv für österreichische Fachhändler veranstaltet. Geplant war Freeriden in Sportgastein, aber aufgrund des doch recht schlechten Wetters und Windböen bis 90 km/h wurde dieser exklusive Skitest am Stubnerkogel  abgehalten.

Hier ein Video über diese Veranstaltung inkl. Tipps zu den neuen Freeride Skiern von Fischer!

Join our Group “Powder skiing” on Vimeo, click here!

Join our FACEBOOK-Page “Ski Videos”, click here!


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